Q. Who is this guy and
how can he help me?
A. Hi, I'm Zack Drisko. I use my brain, the internet, and a weird thing called social media to make your business more loved and more profitable. I do it by being different than the other guys. Here's what I mean:
Turn heads. Don't blend in.
Too often companies and agencies market to be like everyone, and they don’t get very much done. My goal is to find out what makes you different and build a story around that.
Talk to. Not at.
Brands see social media as a way to announce things. That’s only part of it. The real benefit becomes when you use it to create a dialogue with folks and build a community. Want to know the greatest sales force in the world? Your biggest fans. They’ll tell all their friends how much they love you, and they don’t even want a commission for it.
Be people with a story. Not a "brand" with a "message."
Be human. Have soul. Care about what you do. People respond to businesses with personality. They don’t connect with overly formal, distant, jargon-filled mission statements. I can help guide your communication so it’s authentic and makes people feel warm and fuzzy.